Parenting Without Violence – Save The Children South Africa 

December 7, 2023

Save the Children has been holding parenting without Violence/ Safer Families sessions quarterly in Limpopo/Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces under the portfolio, ‘Children affected by Migration and Displacement.’ Sessions were held with 1250 parents of teenagers, mainly mothers but approximately 10% of the participants were fathers.

The main aim is to strengthen bonds between children and their caregivers/parents to improve positive relationships that are meant to develop collaborative problem-solving between parents and children. The sessions were successful in raising awareness of the effects of violence, as well as how to take into account child well-being and development as a caregiver. The sessions also assisted in building understanding amongst parents on the importance of self-regulation to reduce transferring frustration onto the way of raising children.

As a young mother, I have learnt that you don’t use harsh words or physical punishment to discipline your child, but you must always show and tell them that you love them no matter what. I would love to participate in more sessions in the future.’  - Participant in Malamulele

“I would like to thank Save the Children for giving us the opportunity to attend training on parenting without violence. It is the first time we have been invited to attend training on parenting as a father. I have learned a lot about parenting and will apply the knowledge learnt at home, focusing mostly on the element of Love.” - Male participant in Limpopo

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