SAPPIN & Anglo Bring a Gender Transformation Curriculum to Fruition.

May 25, 2023

SAPPIN in partnership with Anglo American are designing a curriculum for a gender transformation programme as part of a consortium. 

Targeting service providers, in particular frontline workers - i.e. those engaging directly with communities as well as Anglo American Social Performance Staff, this curriculum will ensure that all involved:

  • Have a shared understanding of violence and its impact on themselves and the people they serve,
  • Have an understanding of the gender norms, beliefs and practices that fuel GBV and have reflected on these,
  • Are equipped and supported to recognise and transform their own norms, beliefs and practices where these may be harmful,
  • Are equipped and supported to recognise and manage their own trauma,
  • Are equipped and supported to respond to cases of GBV in a practical way (e.g. understanding what to do if someone discloses an incident to them) and safeguards against frontline workers themselves causing further emotional harm,
  • Have an understanding of their role in preventing (including what needs to shift in their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviours) and responding (both as a bystander and as a confidante) to GBV,
  • Know where they, or those that seek their services, are able to report incidents that occur by either community members or staff or contractors from AA itself,
  • Be able to refer people to a functional referral network at the local level,
  • Where the role warrants this, be supported to establish multisectoral support structures that enable collaboration at a local level. 

Phases in the contract

Phase 1: Inception

Phase 2: Pre-sensing

Phase 3: Sensing phase (in-depth interviews/ focus groups)

Phase 4: Stakeholder engagement

Phase 5: Meaning-making

Phase 6: Curriculum drafting and platform development phase

Where the programme currently stands

The consortium finalized phase 3 in December and are currently underway with Phase 4. 

In Phase 4 Phaphama, ISS and SAPPIN (for this consortium Phaphama and ISS are independent) are in the design phase, where they are currently discussing possible assumptions and risks to the design of the curriculum. 

Representatives meet weekly to identify required information and assess acquired data. Interventions at hand are kept in consideration, as they could help in meeting the curriculum’s objectives.

Between meetings, they will be working to collect information and materials and refining their ideas, possibly testing some of these thoughts or ideas on people that have been interviewed.  

They will go through all the information obtained and work towards refining the process, so that they can address the risks and assumptions that have been identified.

SAPPIN together with the rest of consortium look forward to bringing this curriculum to fruition.

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